
An immersive sculpture exploring how humans interact with natural and artificial light

Touring Artwork

Spectra is a large-scale immersive sculpture created in collaboration with music producer K-LONE. Originally presented in partnership with Simple Things at The Station in Bristol. It has since been redesigned as a touring installation and featured as part of the Silver Hayes area at Glastonbury 2023

Volumetric light, mapped projection, and spatial sound design immerse audiences in moments of healing, disorientation, and overstimulation. Taking them on a journey from the sun-worshipping cultures of Ancient Egypt to the contemporary cultures of modern cities across the world.

Spectra took its inspiration from the book ‘Chasing The Sun’ by Linda Geddes; conversations with leading UK historians, scientists, astronomists and ecologists helped shape its development.

The project was made possible with the support of Arts Council England and the
Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport.


Spectra was nominated for an award at the internationally renowned Video Mapping Festival in Lille, 2022


Created By

Limbic Cinema



Supported by

Arts Council England