Project What If?

Interactive and educational Art & Science installations

We the Curious

We produced eleven bespoke art and science films for We The Curious, one of the UK's biggest and most exciting interactive science museums. We explored various themes responding to questions canvassed from the local community including... “Will we ever find a way to prevent being ill?” and “What controls our perception of time and can we slow it down?”

Covering topics from circadian rhythms to human perception, the exhibits were tactile and interactive. Combining film, animation and elements of playfulness through the physical design.

Four films relating to circadian rhythms were exhibited within a giant disc that acted as a clock mechanism, with visitors rotating through different times of day to see corresponding video footage.

Limbic’s film, Lifestyle, which is displayed across multiple screens, uses archive video content to represent the chaotic and sometimes overwhelming nature of health advice.

We The Curious short film

The 2000 square meter exhibition layout was designed by Kossmanndejong.


Exhibition Direction

Anna Starkey

Film/animation production

Limbic Cinema

Exhibit Architects

Kossman Dejong

Concept and curation

We the Curious